суббота 09 мартаadmin

You need the latest data and software to make sure you’re getting peak performance from your Honeywell navigation and safety systems. We make it fast and easy for you to get the updates you need for your flight management system (FMS), enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) or wireless data LAN management unit (DLMU-W). Access, Video, and Vindicator users – Welcome! We’ve asked what it would take to improve your experience. You recommended we provide a user-friendly customer portal in order to save time, manage account activity, and captivates the interest of its users to want to visit time-and-time again.

Honeywell Software Updates

New thermostat software can be saved to a USB device and then uploaded to the Prestige® IAQ thermostat using the USB port. Shejr Please follow the instructions below to upload new thermostat software. Please connect a USB device to your computer now. Download the file below to the USB device by clicking the following link. When the File Download box opens, click Save. When the Save As box opens, navigate to the directory of your USB device and save the file.

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For example, if your USB drive is letter “F”, navigate to “My Computer” and then drive “F”. After the file is saved, connect the USB device to the thermostat and select the “Software Update” option on the thermostat.