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I was reminded what a special place New Mexico is the other day by two of my readers. Cindy, who is one of my collectors, sent a comment on my last post--which reminded me of the uniqueness of the New Mexico landscape--and how the skies here are somehow different. In fact, last year when we were here I wrote a post titled '. I re-read this post and say that the 'number one reason' I cited for living in Santa Fe was 'clouds'.
And, I still think the clouds here are the most amazing you will see anywhere. In the morning, the sky here is usually very clear and blue, but when the clouds arrive later in the day, the show is often amazing--and worth the trip alone.
Tear ring saga english. It’s Fire Emblem in all but name, even if its development cycle was quite troubled and caused a lot of lawsuits to take place. It’s also one of the longest games in the “franchise”. This game spawned two sequels, both directed by Kaga: Berwick Saga, moving away from the Fire Emblem style, and Vestaria Saga, which returned back to it. The game is similar to Fire Emblem Gaiden, bringing back the world map and the concept of two split parties.
I also got a nice note from Jacqueline Butler, welcoming me to New Mexico. Jacqueline is the artistic director for the organization '. She lives near Galisteo and is thinking about starting a blog and is hosting a workshop for members. So, if you live in the area,. Especially if you want to become a daily painter here in NM. I have talked about my own personal views on 'daily painting' in previous posts--and I fully support the concept.
I just don't think it is for me, personally. My own view is that finding time for 'daily painting', is more important than trying to make a painting a day. So there you go. I highly recommend a trip to New Mexico to paint--or just to look around.
I have been coming here for thirteen years now--usually once a year. And I am still inspired every time I visit. Who knows, I may even move here one day. I have met many people who come here for business or some other reason--and fall in love and stay. But, even if you can't get here, you can do the next best thing. Go to your studio and find an excuse to put a fantastic sky in one of your landscape paintings! Isn't it a wonderful country that we live in?
There is so much inspiration everywhere. And painting it or even visualizing the paintings you COULD paint make the views even sweeter! I just stumbled onto the blog.
You've probably blogged about it at some point but what do YOU do when taking a small study as a reference for a studio painting. I'm beginning to think that the studies are REALLY just an excuse to paint outdoors and aren't actually used as references. True for you. Anonymous said. This is a call to everyone to please step outside the right vs.