пятница 12 апреляadmin

• Uniqueness DB2 will guarantee you that it will never produce a number twice for the same sequence in a given database even if the system crashes. There are two exceptions however: First if you alter the sequence all bets are off. For example if you tell the sequence to restart it will oblige and produce duplicate values. Second if you use explicitly tell the sequence to CYCLE it will do just that. Lastly you must remember that a sequence generates numbers it is not in control of how you use them. So if you use a sequence to produce unique numbers for a primary key, but you also provide values of your own from another source the sequence is unaware of that.

So it is your responsibility to prevent collisions from occurring by partitioning the domains and ensuring unique constraints are in place. • Non transactional A sequence number, once generated cannot be rolled back any more than you can take an eraser to a check you have written.

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You can shred the check and ignore the sequence number. • No order Unless specifically defined using the ORDER property DB2 does not guarantee order for generated numbers. In a simple DB2 setup you are very likely to observe order. Jenis ikan mas koki.

However, in a multi-member system such as pureScale or DPF DB2 uses local caches to serve up the numbers. So one member will allocate numbers 1.20 while the next one gets 21.40 and so on. So you could see numbers issued such as.18, 23, 19, 20, 41.60, 61, 24. As members consume caches at different rates. Again a checkbook works as a reasonable metaphor.

You may write one check a year while your spouse uses a lot. • Gaps Sequence numbers are non transactional and cached in memory. So some values may never be consumed because their consuming transaction was rolled back or the cache was lost. • INTEGER Defines the type to be INTEGER and implicitly also limits the domain of the type to those of a 32bit integer. The following types are allowed: SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL(n, 0) where 1.

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