четверг 04 апреляadmin

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Development of the practice of the Court of Eurasian economic union (the case “Tarasik K. P.vs Commission”) The author examines some features of the jurisprudence of the Court of EAEC by considering the case 'Tarasik K.

The Commission'. Among them are vulnerability of the Court acts from the linguistic positions, multiplicity of sources used by the Court, lack of clear position regarding the place of the universal instruments in communitarian law and the Commission’s monitoring of the implementation of international treaties.

The author agrees with the Court's position on major issues of the case, however, he notes that the Court missed the opportunity to clarify some issues of communitarian law and has resorted to questionable and fuzzy arguments. By using a large number of international legal instruments, the author carried out an analysis of various aspects of the investment legislation, giving recommendations on further development of the integration of members of the Eurasian Union, on introduction of the common positions in the macroeconomic policy, harmonization of the legal framework in the monetary, fiscal, foreign economic policy. A strong coordination of joint activities of the EAEU countries in monetary and financial spheres is proposed. Transformation of labour legislation of EAEU states on child labour elimination in the aspect of realization of the ILO decent work concept The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of labour legislation of EAEU states eliminating child labour in the aspect of realization of ILO Decent work concept. On the basis of comparative legal analysis of EAEU states labour legislation which existed before and after the adoption of Decent work concept, as well as the examination of the EAEU States and the ILO cooperation documents, the significant influence of Decent work concept on the legal regulation of the prohibition of the worst forms of child labour in the countries of the EEU is stated. International legal security of Russia in the Arctic The paperwork is devoted to contemporary problems of security in the situation of the Arctic States activity to ensure their national interests on the Arctic continental shelf and in the Arctic Ocean. A large part of the study contains an analysis of the political and military efforts of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the States members of NATO, the Russian military strategy in the Arctic from the point of view of international law.


/48483/tipichnye-voprosy-pri-rastorzhenii-braka 2018-03-06T19:39:55+00:00. /novoe-v-zakonodatelstve-rb-za-18-21-avgusta 2015-08-25T07:15:52+00:00. Daily 1.0 -i-likvidacii-sybjektov-hozyaistvovaniya 2014-02-24T09:36:53+00:00 daily 1.0.