вторник 05 мартаadmin

For folks having trouble with the registration process. This shows two methods of registering: Method one: Install TunerPro RT, download the key file (YourName.tpk), and then double click the key. Make sure you can check the email address you provide with your order as this is where we will send your key. Be sure to check any spam filters. We do not need a key or any other information from you for TunerPro RT – we simply need a valid email address.

I decided to make a tutorial since I was getting so many questions on getting this up and running for an LT1. This will cover installing and setting up the Tunerpro V5 software to work with your LT1, and using Winflash to load the tunes. First off we will go to tunerpro's website and download the V5 version of the program Now install the program as you would install anything else, and when you end up with an icon on your desktop, open it and you should see this: Now after the timer counts down to zero, click continue. *Note, you can donate the very small amount of $30 to Mark and remove this initial count down startup screen. However, the version you have downloaded is fully functional, just a 10 sec time out every time you use it.

Now we will need to load the definition file so tunerpro can properly display lt1 bin files. We first have to go to the tunerpro website and download it. Note you will need to Right Click and Save as if you just click on the link it will display a bunch of code in your browser. Save the file to a place you can easily find it.

Such as the desktop, or a folder you have created for LT1 stuff, etc. Now that we have the file saved, go back to tunerpro and we will load it. Now navigate to where you saved the file before, and click on it, then click Open Now you should be able to open an LT1.bin file, and edit it. As you can see I have a folder called 'Calibration Files' where I save my bins On the left is the called the Parameter tree, this is where you will select Scalar data, Switches, and Tables to edit in the tune.

Note you can toggle this on > and off by pressing F6 Click on a table, the Ext Spark Table for example. This is the Function list, you will choose how to modify the selected contents of the cell with this menu.

For example the further most top-left cell is selected in the screenshot, so only that cell will be modified. You can select entire rows, entire columns, groups of cells, or entire tables, and modify them.

• Offset (+/-) this function is basically Increment or Decrement, meaning it will ADD or SUBTRACT the selected cells, by the amount you type into the box. Crack software serials keys. For example if we start with a value of 25.00 and type 1.00 into the cell, and click 'Execute' while this Function is selected, the cell will change to 26.00. If we type -1.00 in the box however, and click 'Execute', the selected cell becomes 24.00, simple. • Multiply just like it sounds. Plane plotter 6433 cracked computer. This function multiples the selected cell(s) by the amount you type in the box.


For example, lets say you want to add 10% to an area you have selected (that's a lot by the way, you should make smaller changes if you're just getting started) you would type in 1.1 and click 'Execute', if we started with 25.00, the new value would be 27.50. If you wanted to reduce by 10% you could either type in.9 and click 'Execute', or you could use the next function • Divide just like it sounds. This function divides the selected cell(s) by the amount you type in.

An easy way to remember it is that it does the opposite off the multiply function above. • Cpy from Cmpr this one has to do with the compare function that tunerpro has. I'm not going to go into great detail with it at this time, but the concept is simple enough. You load a compare file by going to Compare > Load Compare File, say a stock one and you can compare it to the file your currently working with, say one you have already modified. You can load up to 4 bins to compare to the one with which you're working. The Cpy from Cmpr function would work like this.