воскресенье 16 декабряadmin

JUST WORK IN TROLL! Command List: /set (id) hat (ex: crown, poke, santa, cat,fancy) or just copy the link of ur hat /set (id) speed 50 /board (write what u want) Some cool hat: Golden and diamonds crown Golden Crown Cute Rabbit by me I will try to find more commands:) Litle video I will Back with a NEW Win/Fail! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song: _Strngr Fortress (Goblin Mashup) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Forget to Subscribe if you Like!

Instructions: The CAPTCHA technology above help us prevent automated programs from abusing this service. Examples are case sensitive so be sure to use both. Ali’s hat trick in the 47th minute saved the day for Kano Pillars. Meanwhile, a neck and neck crunchy tie between two Lagos based clubs, Ikorodu United and Mountain of Fire (MFM) Football Club ended in barren draw Sunday evening at Onikan Stadium on Lagos Island.

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