вторник 12 февраляadmin

The 11 th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS) 2016 Tempat: Shangri-La Hotel Waktu: 08 Maret 2016 s/d 12 Maret 2016 Tingkat: internasional Pembicara: Eiji Kohmura (Japan) Penyelenggara: Perpebsi Cab. Surabaya Download File: The 11th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS) 2016 in conjunction with The 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Neurological Surgeons (PERSPEBSI) March 8th - 12th, 2016 Shangri-La Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia Dear all, It is an honor to welcoming you to the 11th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Surabaya,Indonesia.

I am overjoyed to have you all. The ACNS was started in 1993 along the lines of Dr. Kanno's dream. We had invited a hundredyoung Neurosurgeons sponsoring their stay and registration. The dream continues on. And wepromise you that our dream of equality in opportunities for Neurosurgeons from the developingcountries is a dream we will keep alive.

Every council needs to have a journal and our official journal, the Asian Journal of Neurosurgerystarted in 1997. It has come a long way and quality articles from Asia and abroad adorn it thesedays.

Dokter Saraf Kejepit Terbaik Di Surabaya Dokter Saraf Kejepit Terbaik di Surabaya adalah sebuah target yang sedang kami lakukan untuk bisa memberikan manfaat lebih banyak kepada masyarakat dengan berbagai macam permasalahan kesehatan pada tulang belakang. Advantages of serial communication over parallel communication. Siapa dokter spesialis saraf terbaik di surabaya? Yg bisa menyembuhkan saraf terjepit di tulang ekor. Dan prakteknya di rumah sakit mana? Bila kamu yakin ada syaraf yang terjepit, sebaiknya jangan ditangani dokter, tidak akan selesai.

We have a young and dynamic team who are equally adept at learning from the masters andinnovating as well. The ACNS has also been involved with the education of women in Neurosurgery and, as I see themembers of AWNA gathered here, I am proud that in a continent like Asia where so many constraintsare present for average women, we have a sizeable group in a very difficult branch of surgery. Ifyou remember, the first woman who scaled Everest was from Asia. For the nextfive days, we have a scenario where there are the best teachers available in Asia andwe also have eager young Neurosurgeons. We hope that both interact and I am sure, before long,the masters would sit back in admiration of their wards.

And today's young Neurosurgeons will inturn lead the young neurosurgeons of tomorrow towards betterment of Neurosurgery.This wouldbe my concept of Utopia. Let's all, for the next five days forget those lines on the maps dividing usinto different countrymen and work as a common force. Let's do our bit of making this world a betterplace. Yoko Kato, MD, PhD President, ACNS (Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons) Related Events.

Abdul Hafid Bajamal, SpBS(K) Neurosurgeon (Consultant) CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Prof. Abdul Hafid Bajamal, M.D., Ph.D Place, Date of birth: Donggala, 8 April 1949 Profession: Neurosurgeon Office Address: Dept. Of NeurosurgeryDr. Soetomo Hospital / Airlangga Medical FacultyJl. Moestopo 6-8 Surabaya 60285 Indonesia Telp.: 62 (031) 5501325 Fax.: 62 (031) 5025188 EDUCATION 1974: School of Medicine, Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia 1983: Post Graduate of Katholic University of Nijmegen Nederland 1999: Doctor of Science Airlangga University 2000: Master of Neurovascular Science POSITION 1983-up to now: Senior Staff, Department of Nurosurgery Medical Faculty, Airlangga University Surabaya-Indonesia 1983-up to now: Consultant Neurosurgery: 1.

Port Health Center Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 2. Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 3. Adi Husada Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 2006 – 2013: Director of Brain Clinic Surabaya – Indonesia 2010 – up to now: Neurosurgeon Chief – Brain and Spine Center, Mitra Keluarga Hospital Surabaya 2009 – 2012: Chairman of Neurosurgery Department Airlangga University Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya – Indonesia 2010 – up to now: Professor of Neurosurgery of Medical Faculty, Airlangga University, Dr.

Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia MEMBERSHIPS AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Member of the Indonesian Medical Association 2. Member of the Indonesian Surgeon’s Association 3. Member of Indonesian Neurosurgery Society 4. Member of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 5.

Member of Asean Neurosurgical Association 6. Editorial member of Indonesian Journal of Neurosurgery 7.

Editorial member of Bali Medical Journal SPEAKER IN MEETING 2016: Symposium Nasional Update: Manajemen Perawatan Cedera Servikal dan Serebrovaskuler “Narasumber”. Yogyakarta 2016: Emergency for Every Doctor Symposium. “Head Injuries & Requirements of Care”. 2015: Ismins educational meeting & 15th NAM annual scientific meeting/annual general meeting Effective innovation in minimally invasive neurosurgery. “Degenerative Lumbar Canal Stenosis: Advantage of microscopic decompression”. 2015: The annual conference of neuro spinal surgeons association of India. “Cervical lateral mass screws-Pitfalls and practice”.